St.Jude's College Thoothoor
The College owes its existence to the indefatigable and daring efforts of ten Rev. Fathers who formed themselves into a society named, "The Latin Catholic Fishermen's Educational Society" (Regn. No. 13/78) Unmindful of the vague future and working under stress and strain, but depending on the Divine Providence, the society put forth its generous efforts which were crowned with success when, at last, the college was started with the permission of the Tamil Nadu Government in the academic year 1980-81. The College was affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University in the Year 1980-81. With the establishment of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University at Tirunelveli in 1990, the College is now affiliated to it. The College is also recognized by UGC for grants under 2 (f) and 12(B).