Remedial Coaching
Remedial coaching forms a very important aspect of education at St.Jude's College. Remedial classes a re arranged for a II the subjects for U.G. Students who do not fair well in theirsubjectsand need extra help to keep abreast with the rest of the class.
Teaching Learning and Evaluation Committee
It seeks to promote efficiency in teaching and learning in the college. It monitor and review the students profile and suggest the admission pattern in tune with the diverse nature of students. It also organize training programme for teachers and learners on newly introduced component of curriculum.
Co-Crricular Activities
The college provides students with a whole range, ofco-curricularand extra-curricular activities to make their campus life rich and meaningful and to develop them into fuller and more mature persons. It is expected that every student involves himself/herself in at least one of those activities to develop his/her personality.
Quality Ciecle
Quality Circle enlists special support to gifted students in the form of special coaching for higher education. The students are divided into study circles with a bright student as the circle leader who helps the other students in preparation for the exam and problem - solving.
Curriculum Reform Committee (CRC)
It transact the curriculum developed by the university with staff and students. CRC arrange interaction among all stakeholders for effective implementation of the curriculum. It recommend to the management to introduce new courses in tune with the need of the society.
Bridge Course
In orderto make the new entrants to the degree level feel confident with the medium of instruction (English), an intensive teaching of English is envisaged in the first week of the first semester. Also, the basic concepts of the major subjects are refreshed during this week. This provides opportunities for poor students and those from rural and backward areas to cope with the college curriculum, overcome the initial difficulties they face on entering the college.