Fee Structure
1. Every student has to pay the whole fee for each semester at the prescribed schedule.
2. The whole amount of first semester fee must be paid by a new student before his name is enrolled and this money will not be refunded if the students fails to join the college or leaves after joining.
3. Those who have not paid the fees by the last date notified on the notice board should pay a fine as perGovernment rule (MER)foreach working day until the fees plus fine have been paid.
4. Students who have not paid the whole amount due within ten days after the last day fixed for payment are liable to be removed from the college rolls. If re-admitted they shall pay a re-admission fee in addition to fees and fine.
5. Holders of scholarship of any kind are bound by all the above regulations. They should draw the money due to them and the surplus that may be needed, and pay theirfees in the college office on the days, prescribed unless the fee amount is already deducted in the college office before disbursing it to the student.