General discipline and code of Behaviour
1. When the first bell rings, all should enter the class room and occupy their respective seat.
2. At the stroke of the prayer bell in the morning all should stand up for the prayer.
3. Ragging is strictly prohibited and it is very serious criminal offence. Students involved in ragging will be seriously dealt with and it may go up to the extend of dismissal.
4. Students should not be allowed to loiter in the varandah (or) in the campus during class hours.
5. Students should not sit on desks, windows and parapet walls.
6. Students should respect and honour the teachers and the authorities of the college.
7. Every student shall handle the college properly with care and diligence and endeavour to preserve the cleanliness of the buildings and furniture.
8. Willful damage caused to the furniture and to the college properly will entail serious punishment.
9. No political or communal organizations may be formed within the college. Students involving in propaganda of political parties will be seriously dealt with.
10. Every student must wear uniform with college identity card. Identity card should be shown if required by the authorities in Transport buses while travelling on concession tickets.
11. The college authorities will not be responsible for misconduct orcriminal offence outside college.
12. The men students should not enter the women's rest room including the varandah under any circumstances so that the privacy of women's resting room is maintained.
13. Students should look at the Notice board everyday.
14. Students who find anything that does not belong to him/her should hand it over immediately to the College Office.
15. Disobediencde, irregular attendance, smoking within the campus, use of alcohol, defacing the walls, malpractice in examination, bad conduct and non-observance of the rules and regulations, will lead to serious disciplinary action which may even entail dismissal from the college.
16. If anybody is found to be defacing the wall or damaging the water filter or any other college property installed near the class, it should be reported to the H.O.D. concerned immediately. If the culprit is not found out, the damage cost will be recovered from the whole class nearby.
17. Publishing or distributing notices, tit-bits and posters to malign the regulation of authorities or any of the members of the staff will be a serious offence Such students involving themselves in the matters either directly or indirectly would summarily be removed from the college rolls.
18. Howling, hooting and making noise in the college campus will be considered serious in view of the peaceful atmosphere of college and those students doing so would be fined on the spot to the extent of Rs. 100/-
19. Tours may be organized for the 3rd years only after obtaining permission from the Head of the department and the Principal. Tours may be organized annexing the holidays.
20. Cell Phone is not allowed in the Campus.
21. Alcohol and otherdrugs are strictly Prohibited inside the campus