History Of The College

History Of The College

Establishment Of The College

The College owes its origin and existence to the indefatigable and daring efforts of ten Rev. Fathers who formed themselves into a society named, "The Latin Catholic Fishermen's Educational Society" (Regn.No. 13/78). Unmindful of the vague future, these spiritual stalwarts worked, under stress and strain relentlessly mercy of depending on the Divine Providence. The society also put forth its generous contributions which were crowned with success. At last the Tamil Nadu Govt. granted permission for the commencement of the College officially in the academic year 1980-81. Thus the long cherished dream of imparting higher education to the youths of the coastal and adjacent inland region adorning the Southern most tip of the country was actualized at last. “It is a daring and noble venture”, remarked his Lordship, the late Rt. Rev. Dr. P.B. Pereira, The Bishop of Trivandrum, which conferring his Blessing to this venerable institution. The College was first affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University in the Year 1980-81. With the establishment of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University at Tirunelveli in 1990, the College was automatically affiliated to it. The College is now fully recognized by UGC for grants under 2(f) and 12 (B).


The College is located at Sun Hall Estate in a vast area of 40 acres of land at Thoothoor, 10 km South of Kaliakkavilai in Killiyoor Taluk. Within a span of 39 years the College today has well - equipped laboratories and class rooms amidst a sylvan setting. It has a vast stretch of play ground with modern infrastructures and athlete friendly facilities to cater to the needs of the local youths who are basically sports - enthusiasts. To make learning comfortable for the female - students hailing from far and distant places the College is very efficiently and effectively running a Women’s Hostel.

Vission Statement

St. Jude’s College is an institution of excellence which urges, emphasizes and focuses on Scientific inquiry, dispassionate understanding of life and creative insights. It also strives hard on intellectual formation by moulding the whole personality of the youth well-turned to higher learning.

Aims and Objective Of The College

The College aims at providing integrated and personalised higher education to the Latin Catholic fishermen and the other marginalized communities in accordance with the rights of the minority community guaranteed under Art 30 of the Constitution of the Country.

It endeavours to anvil intellectually trained, morally upright, socially committed and spiritually inspired men and women of India today.

It gives a unique accent to women education and empowerment.

It exposes the multidimentional reality of knowledge to the students through extension education and concentrates on the development of the innate strength of the students through the nurturing services of the dedicated staff.

Apart from the regular curriculam, every student is encouraged to attend Value Education classes.