Reviewing the Institution’s Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Process, structures and methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals.
Implementing reforms/measures based on the findings of the periodical reviews of Institution’s Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Process.
Institutionalising a robust and holistic feedback mechanism; arrangement for feedback responses from students, parents and other stake holders on quality related institutional processes.
Undertaking collaborative initiatives with other Institutions/Industries/Neighbourhood agencies
Ensuring effective and efficient use of technology in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation and for all academic and administrative purposes.
Promoting e- governance
Identifying the strengths and the areas of possible improvements in the Teaching, Learning and Evaluation processes as carried out by the institution
Promoting research culture in the institution
Ensuring active research-output, with achievements in doctoral and post doctoral levels and excellent records in inventions and discoveries, number of patents, number of publications by teachers and scholars.
Encouraging and enabling the faculty to submit project proposals and approaching funding agencies
Promoting active participation of students in social, cultural, and leisure activities
Fostering closer relationship with the neighbouring community/parents/alumni.
To upgrade the professional competencies of the staff; organising Professional Development Programmes for Teaching and non-Teaching staff
Collecting Performance Appraisal report/Feedbacks and analysing the responses and making them the basis for future planning.
Being responsive to pressing issues such as gender equity, environmental consciousness and sustainability, inclusiveness, professional ethics, explicit concern for human values, rights and duties of a responsible citizen and scientific and technological information related to everyday life.
Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education.
Organisation of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality assurance related themes.
Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of running the affairs of the institution fruitfully and optimally.
Acting as nodal agency of the college for initiating, implementing and institutionalising quality assurance measures.
Adoption of Best Practices.
Documentation of the various programmes/activities of AMU, leading to quality improvement.
Conducting Regular meetings of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and uploading the Minutes and Action Taken Reports in the Institution’s Website
Participation in National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), and other Quality Audits recognised by State, National and International Agencies.
Participation in National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), and other Quality Audits recognised by State, National and International Agencies.
Preparation and Submission of Annual Quality Assurance Reports(AQAR) to NAAC