College library has numerous volumes in various subjects. Nearly 60 periodicals and journals are subscribed for the benefit of the teaching and learning communities. In order to facilitate the better use of the library by all, the following rules are framed and are to be observed by all carefully.
1. Strict silence must be observed within the Library and reading room.
2. Application for books must be made in printed slips which are available at the Library on payment of a nominal rate.
3. Application slip should be dropped in the box provided for, before 10 a.m. so that books may be issued between 10 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. on the same day.
4. Books will be issued only on producing the borrower's identification card.
5. Each student is allowed to borrow only one book at a time.
6. No one is allowed to sub-lend the library books he/she has borrowed, or get books on behalf of others.
7. The Borrower will be held responsible for the damage the book he/she borrows. Therefore at the time issue, the students should check up himself/herself that the books issued to him/ her in good condition.
8. The Loss of any book should be reported to the librarian.
9. In case a book is lost, the cost of the book with fine should be paid to the office.
10. Books must be returned to the library on or before due date stamped on them, if not a fine of 50 paise perday from the due date will be collected.
11. Reference books and periodicals should be read in the library or Reading room only and must not be taken out. After use they must be returned to the library assistant in person.
12. The Librarian can recall a book even before the date of expiry.