Xmas Celebration
It strives to establish a quality assurance system with continuous evaluation and monitoring of personalized and inclusive education imparted to achieve excellence and to prepare for global presence with a commitment for values and competence and being aware of our coastal and multicultural diversity
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Cultrual Day
It strives to establish a quality assurance system with continuous evaluation and monitoring of personalized and inclusive education imparted to achieve excellence and to prepare for global presence with a commitment for values and competence and being aware of our coastal and multicultural diversity
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Sports Day
It strives to establish a quality assurance system with continuous evaluation and monitoring of personalized and inclusive education imparted to achieve excellence and to prepare for global presence with a commitment for values and competence and being aware of our coastal and multicultural diversity
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Fine Arts Day
The College owes its existence to the indefatigable and daring efforts of ten Rev. Fathers who formed themselves into a society named, "The Latin Catholic Fishermen's Educational Society" (Regn. No. 1
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