College Rules and Regulations

Rules of attendance, Leave & Punctuality

1. Every student is expected to attend classes regularly & punctually.

2. No one shall be absent from classes without proper leave letter.

3. Application for leave must be made in prescribed form (available at the College Office) to the Principal in person as far as possible before taking leave.

4. Leave letter must clearly state the reason for the leave and should be countersigned by the parent of guardian and the H.O.D. concerned and in the case of illness, if the absence lasts for 6 days or more, a medical certificate should be produced.

5. Those, who for serious reasons have to leave the class during a session must do so only after obtaining the permission from the H.O.D. Concerned.

6. Habitual absence without proper leave letter will be dealt with seriously.

6. Students should earn a minimum of 75% attendance to be eligible to appear for University Examination. On completion of 80 working days, a list of students lacking in attendance will be displayed. On completion of 90 working days, the final list of students lacking in attendance will be prepared and those who fail to earn the prescribed term days as per the University rule will not be allowed for the University examination.

7. Organized absence from classes and intimidation of students from attending classes are serious violation of the rules and regulations of the college which may lead to the removal of the concerned from the rolls of the college and his/her Transfer Certificate will be sent to the University during or at the end of the year.

8. Attendance will be marked at the beginning of each hour.

9. Absence for one or more hours either in the fore noon or in the afternoon will be treated as absence for half-a-day.

10. Those who come late should enter the classroom only after obtaining the late - chit from the Principal.