Scholarships, Fee and Prizes
Government Of India Scholarship
Merit Scholarship to children of primary and secondary School teachers for U niversity education.
National Loan Scholarship provides financial assistance to the needy and meritorious students.
Prizes are awarded to students for outstanding performance in co-curricular activities.
State Government Scholarship
Merit scholarship to the students on the basis of marks at the Higher Secondary.
Students belonging to M.B.C. B.C., S.C., and S.T. are awarded non-residential scholarships.
The PTA Gold Medal
PTA donates a gold medal every year to an outstanding student in each major subject and the best men and women athletes.
Prof. D. Alphonse
memorial Endowment for history toppers.
Dr. Gabriel
Endowment for outstanding sports Men/Women.
Bhagavathar Arulappan
memorial Endowment for JUNOS Best singer.