Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission


  • Institution of excellence
  • Urges on Scientific inquiry
  • Dispassionate assessment of life and Creative insights
  • Focuses hard on intellectual formation.
  • Moulds the whole personality
  • Paves the way for higher learning and earning


  • Provides higher education to the marginalized, particularly the fishermen Community.
  • Gives accent to women's education.
  • Exposes rural realities through extension education
  • Concentrates on the development of the innate strengths of the students through a band of dedicated staff.

    Our Campus

    The College is located at Sun Hall Estate in a vast area of 40 acres of land at Thoothoor, 10 K.M. South of Kaliakkavilai in Vilavancode Taluk. Within a period of 35 years the college today has well-equipped laboratories and class rooms amidst a sylvan setting. It has a vast stretch of play ground with modern infrastructures to cater to the needs of the local youth who are basically sports - loving. It also has a hostel for women.

    Our Quality Policy

    It strives to establish a quality assurance system with continuous evaluation and monitoring of personalized and inclusive education imparted to achieve excellence and to prepare for global presence with a commitment for values and competence and being aware of our coastal and multicultural diversity

    Our Lord's Prayer

    Our Father In Heaven
    Holy be Your Name
    Your Kingdom Come
    Your Will be done
    On Earth as in Heaven
    Give us today our daily bread
    Forgive us our sins
    As we forgive those
    Who sin against us
    Do not bring us to the test
    But deliver us from evil-Amen

    Prayer to St Jude, Our Patron

    Oh! Our beloved St.Jude, intercede for us to the Lord to guide us in all our efforts throughout this academic year. We thank you for all the blessings and benefits showered on us through this institution. Bring peace and joy to all who enter the Campus-Amen.